These three things are getting in the way of your success, healing and intuition.

What are the 3 things?  

They are blocks or limiting beliefs. 

And the top 3 that I believe that get in the way of healers and coaches are:

  1. Not feeling good enough,

  2. Imposter Syndrome, and

  3. People pleasing.

At honorable mention are: Perfectionism & Comparisonitis. These two blocks can easily be a close cousin to any of these 3.  In this episode, I explore further on beliefs and tell a story about how I found one particular email from a fellow healer/coach not correct in the way we should perceive blocks. Their assessment was: they don't REALLY exist and you don't need to remove them because you are whole. This is partially true. I believe it's not the full story.  

What do you believe? And how have you seen these 3 blocks get in the way of your success?  

OFFER to HEALERS & COACHES! - Right now, I'm supporting healers &coaches with a 1:1 coaching package called Into the Depths - shadow work coaching. In 3 coaching sessions plus Reiki healing you could get a reboot in your work, reconnect with your intuition and feel refreshed through the healing, all in 2-3 weeks....ready to go deep? CLICK here to find out more. 

GRAB my free Working your Shadow practice + guided meditation when you subscribe to my email list. 


This is the one thing that stops you from listening your intuition.


Can we talk about how ethical lines get crossed in coaching?